Synthetic MRS

Overview of Objectives and Goals

Objectives and End goals:

  1. Produce comprehensive and universal summary/recommendations for simulating synthetic spectra with use case-specific recommendations when necessary
  2. Create a community-based synthetic data generator tool (based on the information we gather in step 1)

    Overview of Objectives and Goals

Use Case Categories

Define general and case-specific recommendations:

  1. Hardware optimization
  2. Acquisition/sequence optimization
  3. Validation of processing/analysis tools
  4. Machine learning applications

    Best Practices

How to get involved

Give your input

Contact Us

Aaron Gudmundson

Aaron Gudmundson

Research Associate

JHU, KKI - Baltimore, Maryland

Antonia Kaiser

Antonia Kaiser

Postdoctoral Fellow

CIBM, EPFL - Lausanne, Switzerland

John LaMaster

John LaMaster

PhD Candidate

IBBM, TUM - Munich, Germany BIAML, UZH - Zurich, Switzerland